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Our team handles Trust and Pension-related Claims even when they seem unachievable.

Our team handles Trust and Pension-related Claims even when they seem unachievable.

As an example, we currently and for the past 6 years have been pursuing pensions owed to the former EX East Africa Community Workers especially from Tanzania. The claims having emanated in 1984 and were marred with complex legal issues. We managed to surmount this and file the claims in the English Courts and are actively pursuing the same.

The enactment of the Retirement Benefits Act (Cap 197 of 1997) ushered in a new era with regard to the management, administration, investment and general corporate governance over pension schemes.

The statute forms the primary legal basis for the standards that are required of any person charged with the responsibility of overseeing the affairs of a pension scheme.

Before it came into effect, disputes regarding the management of pension funds were largely left to the interpretation of the contract or trust deed that created the scheme, but with the entry of the law, the obligations owed by managers were given the force of law and brought with it penalties in the event of breach of the obligations.

At our firm, we pride ourselves on providing personalized and effective solutions for our clients. We understand that every business is unique, and we will work closely with you to understand your specific needs and tailor our services accordingly.

Moreover, we have extensive experience in helping you comply with laws and regulations that vary from country to country.

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